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  1. H

    When did your ACD stop growing?

    @dougr Skeletal growth is usually complete by 1 y.o. if not a little before, then they continue to fill out their frames for about another year (chest deepens, more prominent muscling at shoulder and thigh etc.). As a broad rule of thumb, doubling a dog's 4-month weight generally gives a pretty...
  2. H

    At what age did your dog become wary with strangers?

    @authenticwarrior1 My dog's mom (ACD), who arrived at the rescue too pregnant to spay, definitely had a poor temperament (fear-aggressive). It wasn't a big disappointment for us that Luna matured to have some social anxiety; she's a mutt, both parents were BYB, we knew to expect the unexpected...
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    At what age did your dog become wary with strangers?

    @stormtboy Luna does the duck'n'dodge too, but there's a good dose of nervous cringe in her "duck"...and at the same time a lot of sheepish tail-wagging, and fitful stepping voluntarily towards the person then ducking back again. So she does send mixed signals about greetings, and I don't think...
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    At what age did your dog become wary with strangers?

    Recently over at /r/dogs, a poster expressed concern that her young adult ACD, around 13-15 months IIRC, had suddenly gone from being a friendly pup who loved meeting people to a wary, suspicious adult who didn't want to be touched by strangers. Several respondents, me included, remarked the...
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    At what temperature does my ACD need a coat?

    @oncelostbutnowfound Hard to say, since a mix could be 3/4 ACD but still have a significantly shorter and sparser coat than a purebred, and/or a significantly more delicate build. I've owned all kinds of mixes and usually base the decision on, At what temperature, if any, does s/he start...
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    [NEWS] Research of the Day: Genomic Analysis and Breed Development

    @doks It's a shame that popular science journalism is so lousy these days, because this study was a major step forward in mapping the emergence of many modern dog breeds, but it's not at all easy for the lay reader to unpack. I haven't seen any breed clubs relaying findings pertinent to their...
  7. H

    Winter Is Coming! Are doggie treadmills recommended for C.D.'s?

    @aleja If you already own a (human) treadmill, or have a good friend or family member who does, it's best if at all possible to try out a few training sessions with that first, because while some dogs quite enjoy treadmills once they've got the hang of it, others simply won't agree to stay on...