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  1. A

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @sj74 I personally think it's really outdated thinking that a lot of people just repeat because they've heard it or read it somewhere before. I know someone who is getting a dog soon, she's been doing some research online and she told me with absolute certainty, that she was going to make...
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    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @igbokwe That's exactly what you need to do with the resource guarding, get him to associate you coming near something he likes, with something positive. Growling at someone coming by your door is really really normal. My dogs do this all the time, once the door opens and they realise it's...
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    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @igbokwe A week and a half is really no time at all. It takes much much longer than that for a dog to really connect with you. I have a 3 year old jug who is my little shadow now, but it took about 4 months before I really felt like he liked me, before that he was just kinda naughty and seemed...