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    @leonsarahh Yes same!!
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    @momtoonegirl I can totally relate! How old is your sweet girl? I feel like 7-9 months were extremely rough for me but I’m starting to see him settle down!
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    @falconeye So crazy! Mine has recently learned when I say “bye!” on work calls (I work from home) it means I’m done with my call and am likely getting up so high chance of pets or play time. They are so incredibly smart.
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    @allbutnone I am so jealous!!! I had to keep away one of his baby toys as a keepsake before he could completely destroy it
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    @egmiller So funny! My husband has taught him to react to “let me love you” as sit tight for a bit so we can give you love! Ditto on the chasing cat siblings to “help”. Hoping up heals quickly from his tooth extraction!
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    @martijae I love it!!
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    @adnerb I love it!! They are so silly. And soooo smart! Congratulations on getting her to wear a bandana - it’s still a battle over here!
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    @praen4you The best pup tax!! I can relate to the drool when it comes to treats. The moment he sees or smells a treat, it’s a waterfall fiesta out of his mouth lol!!
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    Does anyone else’s ACD have these similar quirks? My boy is just over a year old. Food driven, loves treats, but scoffs if you try to feed him in a bowl. He prefers to be challenged with enrichment food puzzles and gets bored of getting the same ones in a row, so naturally we have 5 different...