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  1. C

    7.5 months and protected me from an intruder 🥺

    @bonnieb Aw I'm so happy I could help! Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond. You sound like you're doing a fantastic job with your pup! He should be just fine. Sturdy lil brave breed 🥰
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    7.5 months and protected me from an intruder 🥺

    @bonnieb 1) I agree with other comments - this is an adorable, rad, sweet story. Thanks for sharing! 2) As an animal behavioristand trainer, I do have a few things I wanna add. BUT I don't mean to be a bummer here or one of those animal people who instantly finds some issue with a perfectly...
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    New Trainer - Need advice on how to train anxious, overstimulated, separation-anxiety-prone pup (whose sister-pup is in another room!)

    @maxi00 Hmm, thanks so much for this! Yes, the treats are high value, but now that I think about it, they could be higher. Also, she may benefit from other forms of reward like praise or pets. Also, good tip! Starting small and easy sounds ideal for her energy. I have been doing look at me...
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    New Trainer - Need advice on how to train anxious, overstimulated, separation-anxiety-prone pup (whose sister-pup is in another room!)

    @imagebeastmarkbeast This is an interesting point, and I'll bring it up with boss. Thank you! I do think she'd benefit more from social time. She has lots of fam time, only comes to training and socialization 1x a week forna few hours. Maybe social/play time away from her sis would help? Just...
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    New Trainer - Need advice on how to train anxious, overstimulated, separation-anxiety-prone pup (whose sister-pup is in another room!)

    New trainer here! Need any and all advice. :) I'm an assistant trainer, and have just been assigned one of my first one-on-one cases with an 8- 9 m/o pup. (So I don't want to mess it up!) She should have received training earlier - but was in and out of foster homes. She now needs basic puppy...