Y’all my dog is TRYING me today


New member
I swear he has a death wish. I woke up this morning and found drops of dried blood on the floor and found a cut on his paw pad. I’ve been watching him like a hawk all day and trying to keep him off it.

Later, while I’m making dinner I dropped a ceramic casserole dish lid. I started picking up all the big shards. My dog managed to grab and inch long shard and tried to EAT it. He would not drop it (he definitely knows the command but www being an asshole) and I’m sitting there trying to pry his mouth open. Got his mouth open and swept for it but could not find it. I’m sitting there panicking about ANOTHER emergency vet appointment when he spit it out. I mean thank FUCK but this dude was EXHAUSTING today.

I love him but today is just one of those days.
@passion3545 Mate I had similar experience I used to feed mine ice cubes as a pup one night I got up to grab some water dropped the glass and he thought it was ice cubes , pure shattered myself trying to get class out his mouth while I was kneeling in the broken glass ended up with alot of glass stuck in my knees , and ye still love him
@passion3545 Haha that’s that demon toddler energy.

My dog grew up visiting me or her aunties at work in ceramic studios. Never failed she would find a shard of fired glaze that had popped off a piece in a corner under a counter, or gnaw the kiln wash off a busted shelf and then snort it, or expertly pull a sewing pin out of a glaze bottle and try to swallow it. She lost her privileges lol.

Same exact shit at Home Depot, stopped going there real fast bc she just apparently wants to die. Some of them are just reckless little hillbillies that won’t be happy until we develop a stutter.
@scripturalreasoning Yep. The injury displayed above was my dog catching a ball then backsliding into a tree. She never whimpered, yelped or displayed pain. Took me several minutes to realize her tail was whipping blood 30 feet high onto the side of our house.
@scripturalreasoning GSD lines vary quite a bit. Mine is Czech/DDR working lines on both sides. This leads to a very interesting dynamic in her personality. She acts more like a Dutch Shepherd than the usual American German shepherd.
@passion3545 Leave it is a great command.

Mine learned "out of the kitchen" as a command the day I dropped a bowl and it shattered. Very useful piece of boundary training. I must've made an impression as they still remembered it.

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