Y’all are amazing


New member
I’ve been a long time lurker here. My pup isn’t reactive, but I’ve wanted to learn more about reactivity and how to work with it for numerous reasons, including just out of curiosity.

The biggest thing I’ve taken away is how devoted you all are. I can’t begin to comprehend the stress, discouragement, frustration- but also the joy, pride, and love you guys have with your dogs and when they make progress. You are all the most devoted, persistent, and patient people, even when you have your moments when you feel like all your hard work isn’t paying off or have bad days. You all get up in the morning and do it all over again. I hope you all can see how amazing you are and how lucky your dogs are to have people like you who don’t give up on them. They are so lucky to have you. Keep doing what you’re doing, and be gentle with yourselves. You give so much of yourself to your dog, but remember to take care of you too.
@stephend Absolutely 💛 please try to remember every day how much of an incredible job you are doing. I know it’s easier said than done, especially by someone who has no experience, but you’re doing awesome
@porcelainheartx Thank you so much for acknowledging what those of us with reactive dogs go through each day. Would that the world be perfect for our reactive pups, it would be filled with caring, compassionate and understanding people like you! It would make our days and work so much easier.

Your puppy is a very lucky pup to have such a wonderful human to call their own. Wishing you many years of healthy and happy times together. Y'all are awesome!
@porcelainheartx This was so nice to hear. My dog has been struggling a lot lately and it's been stressing me out so much. It breaks my heart that she feels like she needs to react this way; I just want to help her, but I constantly feel like I'm failing her. I won't give up though.
@porcelainheartx What a nice post! Thank you. I recently asked myself the question "if I knew all of this before adopting, would I do it all again even if I could change nothing?". The answer is yes. I love this dog and he deserves the best life we can give him.

What a sweet gesture to learn about reactivity and let us all know we are seen and appreciated. The little (and rare) moments people cheer us on are the best part of my day.

(Edit because I accidentally hit post)