X-post from r/managers: Grooming salon manager here. How to deal with upper management?


New member
So, I kind of fell into a management position by default. I have no prior management experience, but since I've been the only groomer within a dog daycare for months... I'm the manager of the salon by default.

...I don't want this responsibility. I'm not good at it. I hate dealing with others' problems. I run far away from stress when at all possible.

So, here's my issue.

I've recently hired two more groomers. Both are friends of mine. That's not the issue.

We are paid cash. Every Friday. I am NOT in charge of anyone's payroll. I check my own numbers, initial off on them, and that's it. I'm only in charge of hiring, care of the salon, grooming, customer complaints, supplies, scheduling, and promotion to some extent.

So, I hired my very good friend for one day a week. Yesterday was payday. She did not work the week of the 4th. She has worked the week before that, and this past week. Her first pay was held back per company policy, and she was paid that last Friday. So, technically she was not owed money yesterday. Since I am not in charge of payroll, I didn't realize this. It's not my job to keep track of this.

She drove to the business around 4:45 to collect her pay. I was still grooming a dog, and had cleaning to complete, and was in a rush to finish so I could leave to pick my children up on time from daycare. I was under quite a bit of stress at the time.

Paper checks were available for the daycare staff, but my cash pay was not. Hers wasn't there either. Normally, one of the owners stops in on Fridays to drop off my pay. He forgot to this week. Had he been there to pay me like he should have been, I could have spoken with him and known that groomer friend was not being paid... So we could have contacted her much earlier in the day to avoid confusion.

Since I am not in charge of payroll, and my pay was also not there, we (myself, daycare front desk, and groomer friend) figured out that the owner forgot to bring the money in.

We called another manager who got in touch with one of the other owners/investors to figure the situation out. This whole situation took place within the span of about 30-45 minutes.

She waited patiently and chatted with me while I worked. She had her toddler with her and mentioned that she needed her money because she had planned to stop and buy diapers etc, and I laughed and said I needed mine because it's pizza night and I'm not charging pizza to my credit card and paying interest on it.

More phone calls were made, and owner in charge of payroll could not be reached.

Other owner/investor called and told us to take money from cash box and leave a note. So we do. He apologized for the inconvenience, all was good. I mentioned friend groomer was a bit irritated, but no big deal. There was some ass kissing on other owner/investor's part telling me I'm important and thanking me for all I do.

After I get home, owner in charge of payroll calls to apologize and to tell me he simply forgot. I tell him NBD, don't worry about it. It's good, everything is fine. He asks for the totals. I tell him the totals for our pay. Hers was only $67.50 for one morning of work.

Again, not my job to keep track of payroll. Apparently, because they hold one week back, and she did not work the prior week of the 4th, she was not owed this money until next week.

So, I get a call from owner in charge of payroll this morning.

He starts the call by asking if I have time to talk. I tell him I'm home alone with my two kids ages 5 and under, but yes, I have time to talk. They are playing and making some noise and he demands that I eliminate the background noise. I tell him I cannot because I am home alone with them. This throws me off and irritates me, honestly. He continues on to tell me that friend groomer did not work the 4th and that she was not owed her pay yesterday. I respond with ok, I did not realize this. Sorry.

He says that he doesn't appreciate her "making a scene in front of customers." I tell him this did not happen, that she was just there waiting around for her pay. Yes, there were phone calls being made and pertinent discussion of the issue, but no "scene" was ever made... And there were maybe two customers who came to pick up dogs during the time she was there. He says that's not what he is hearing.

He ends the phone call by giving me a "heads up" about a badly behaved dog he had scheduled for me for Wednesday morning and by asking me to let groomer friend know that she will not be payed next week.

I would like to address this with him. I do not appreciate this phone call on my day off, or the tone of it, let alone the burden of this being placed on me. This is NOT my job. He has her phone number, and could easily text or call her himself to inform her of the issue. All it takes is a text saying, "I'm sorry for the mix up yesterday. However, since you did not work Wednesday the 4th and we withhold a week's pay, you were not supposed to be paid yesterday. I will have to hold next week's pay, and then resume paying you." Payroll is his department, not mine. This man already has a habit of asking his managers to do things he should be doing himself and not taking responsibility for his mistakes. Nevermind that he ACTUALLY FORGOT TO PAY ME yesterday.

Groomer friend took this job to test the waters here because her other employer has goofed her pay repeatedly.

I already have had it with this place and unrelated drama surrounding it, and want out. I'm only sticking around until a more convenient time in my life to leave. I have planned to be done here within 6 months. I took on a grooming apprentice and have promised to finish training her before I quit, but honestly... This has me wanting to leave now.

How should I approach this with this man? I honestly do not give two shits if I don't have this job anymore, but in the interest of not being a doormat... I need to address the call on my day off when this could have waited until business hours on Tuesday when I'm back in the salon, the way in which I was spoken to, the lack of any accountability concerning the matter on his part, and the expectation that I do his job for him.

I tend to go full bitch mode in situations like this, so talk me down and tell me what to say!
@gigrex I find I do best with email with this sort of thing. It gives me time to think clearly and edit so I don't come off as combative.

Being contacted about things I have nothing to do with on my personal time is a recurring problem with my shop's owners, too. It's hard to set boundaries about this, but I made it CRYSTAL clear one day that I don't appreciate it (via an honestly pretty embarrassing tantrum) and it only happens occasionally now.

Good on you for planning to leave. I would start shopping around for a new place to work now, and leave as soon as something turns up. Almost every salon (in my area at least) is desperate for groomers who already know the trade. Our shop has been looking for 7 months and not one single groomer has applied, only people with no prior animal experience looking for an apprenticeship. Should be a cakewalk!

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