Wired or closed, plastic crate?


New member
My puppy is quickly outgrowing his current crate (plastic, closed). I’m in the middle of figuring out which one to get but wondering what everyone’s experience is in terms of:
  • Pros/cons of each type
  • Experience with upgrading from one type to another
FYI, when I mean wired crate I mean this and a closed, plastic crate is this

@emimaxi We switched to a wire crate when the pup outgrew her plastic crate. We chose wire for a few reasons; better air circulation, larger floor area, and collapsible for travel. I was initially concerned about the switch, but we just moved the blanket and snuggle puppy from her old crate to the new one and it didn’t phase her at all. I did make sure she was very tired the first time we put her down in the new crate, but really she didn’t give us any indication that she noticed a difference at all.
@emimaxi We love the wire crates for both our pups. Especially since we found one that has a separator that we can put in to make sure the crate isn't too big. As she gets bigger, we can move the divider to create more space. Love it.