Will my dogs die from Ivermectin Agmectin 0.3%?


New member
Our dogs, a Border Collie mix and a Shiba-Corgi mix aged 3 and 1 respectively, has ticks in their body. I remove the big ones when I see, but the small ones are just impossible to remove. I asked my parents to buy these dogs a shampoo for their ticks, and I myself plan to get them those tick-flea collars.

Now when they went home, my dad brought home Ivermectin Agmectin 0.3% to be eaten by the dogs. My heart skipped a beat seeing this because our dogs don't have work problems or any of it, just the ticks. I've had dogs and known dogs killed from wrongfully giving it deworming medicine, so I'm now scared for them seeing this.

Can anyone help shed some light on my fears if it's all irrational or just right?
@cujones It should only be a problem if your dogs were given an incorrect dose or if they are overly sensitive to ivermectin (MDR1 gene mutation, common in Collie-type dogs). Watch for symptoms like lethargy, dilated pupils, vomiting, difficulty breathing, blindness, etc, especially in your BC mix. Go to vet immediately if any of those symptoms occur. You can call your vet and discuss the situation too.

Explain to your dad that ivermectin/agmentin does not work on ticks.

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