Why is grooming so hard in every way? Advice on my prob please or idk.


New member
I noticed few charges altered in our system was done by whoever checked them out. I only found 2 really and it was senior discounts but I shouldn’t have that taken out of my pay. Literally everyone has some sort of discount. (Military/senior I doubt all are true ) Anyways I talked to my boss and told her that it was cutting into my checks too much and she said to put the charges in without the discount for my grooms but someone has changed them back probably due to complaining. Anyways I also give employee discounts which I tell my “friends” to pay me what it’s worth and it’s been 20 -25$🙄 like for goldens and aussies setters and more… now I can’t have ppl taking up my slots for cheap ass grooms. Especially when even they don’t keep up with grooming well at all. I was doing a favor for everyone and now need to change it cause everyone is so cheap and it’s rude. I work at an animal hospital so it really sucks with the drama and stress.. that’s why I posted this, I told my boss and she is addressing it but im soooo scared. she made an email to the whole staff that it was kinda sounding like im being a huge bitch. Im hemorrhaging money lately and I just can’t anymore. My husband and I were negitive 300 last week cause of how little I made. I’m just nervous to face ppl tomorrow.. I feel like everyone already don’t like me cause im” just a groomer “ there.. now im even more worried .. I feel like they just think I complain but im all alone there and it’s getting sooooo booked and I can’t keep doing such cheap grooms alone with 0 help…

I just want ppl to be chill with me and no drama but everything I do causes some drama. I don’t like it and I can’t get it off my mind. What if I messed up and saw a charge wrong or just accused reception of the changes? Or what if everyone gives me cold shoulder cause I complained? .. I didn’t know who else to go to. I feel like I made a stink over nothing.. or did I? I feel sad now.
@lovejoyhope I’d be upset too. I feel like the discounts shouldn’t affect your pay, it should be taken out of the salons pay since it’s their discount? I don’t think you’re making a big deal, you have to make a living just like everyone else. It sounds like maybe switching over to a salon might be better? Not sure if that’s an option for you, but environment is everything! I always tell myself at work that I’m there to make money, not friends.
@lovejoyhope If you are struggling to save money screw what everyone else thinks! You need to do whats best for YOU. Its work you aren’t there to make friends. Sometimes standing up for ourselves makes us the “bad guy” or “difficult “ but I promise once you get what you need it will be worth it. Discounts should NOT be taken out of your pay, it should be coming out of the money the salon is making. You should check with your states laws on that one because I am pretty sure in some areas it is illegal for discounts to come out of employees pay. Stay strong don’t overthink things, do what you need to do for you :) doing favors for people only gets you walked all over, unfortunately.

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