White noise machine and training


New member
I just posted this in a comment to someone who was looking for advice about crate training. I just thought I would go ahead and post the info more directly in case anyone is interested.

When we were crate training, we wanted our puppy to be unaware of noises around the house or anything that could distract her alert her of anything happening outside the crate.

So besides covering her crate and using a kong, we used this little device outside her crate in a quiet, dark bedroom. This thing is awesome. You can’t really hear much over it. Sounds are rich and soothing. We also use it on the Fourth of July and recently on New Year’s Eve to drown out much of the fireworks noise, although it’s impossible to drown all that out even with this. But I love this thing and don’t think I could live without it now. Great for hotels. Not just for puppy use….but it sure helped us!
