where in my room should I put my anxious, reactive dog’s crate?


New member
my lil yorkie is easily scared / anxious and he’s reactive to strangers, some men, and smaller kids. bc of this, I have a baby gate in my bedroom doorway. he’s already made tons of progress in the 4 months he’s been with my family, but I still want to make sure I’m setting him up for success to foster more of his confidence and sense of security. that said, I’m trying to figure out the perfect location for his crate in my room and there’s only a couple of places where it could reasonably fit.

option A) as of now, his crate has only been against a wall with the backyard on the other side, which is next to my desk and directly across my bedroom door. there’s about a foot between the crate and my half of the closet, which is kinda annoying but manageable. when he’s in the crate, he’s still technically by my side, which he loves bc he has pretty bad separation anxiety, and he can easily peek his head out to see me. when the bedroom door’s open, he also gets a good view of the rest of my family walking up and down the hallway, which can be hit or miss bc he’s reactive to them sometimes.

option B) it would go in the opposite corner, on the same wall as the bedroom door but on the other end, which would be right across my bed. the other side of this wall would be the hallway leading into the living room / front door. the wall is kinda thin, so I’m concerned about the noise of people coming in and out, but he’d also be closer to my tv and fan for some white noise, if needed. he would no longer be next to me when I’m working at my desk, but he could still easily peek his head out and see me if he wanted to. he also wouldn’t have to see people walk by if I wanted to leave the bedroom door open. it’s a significantly more private space.

option C) I could take off my closet doors and put the crate inside there. the closet is on the wall adjacent to the front door, so he’d still hear people walk by but won’t see them unless he comes out of his crate. the other side of the wall would be the fridge, so I’m not sure if the humming noise is noticeable and if it is, if it would be comforting or annoying to him. he would also have a view of my bed and desk, so when I’m working he’d be closer to me than option B. it’d be somewhat private but I personally don’t like the look of no closet doors.

alright, this was longer than I thought. please lmk your thoughts. here’s a link to my best diagram of my room lol.
@hungrytrash b, definitely. your dog will still be able to see you when you’re sleeping or sitting in bed, which helps mine feel more secure. i have a yorkie (mix) too. i also think it would be beneficial that it’s secure in a corner next to your dresser. she’d probably feel a lot safer vs it being out in the open or something
@diamondintherough thanks for responding, even with my wonky diagram lol. b is definitely a more secure space and would feel more like his own when he wants to be left alone and not so much on display for the whole family to see. I’m hoping that would help with some of his reactivity too! also saw pics of your sweet yorkie in your previous posts and I adore her!!!

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