Where do you leave your dog? E.g doggy daycare or at home


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Good morning or good afternoon to the people of reddit, I would like to ask: if you have a dog, do you leave it at home or doggy care or leave your dog with a relative/ neighbour or dog walker. Thanks you for everyone that is able to respond and have a good day 😁

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@yuli At home for me too- my dogs have a dog door, but I try not to leave them for more than 10 hours. Pre-pandemic, that’s about how long they’d be home alone on the worst days when we went to work. These days we rarely leave them for more than a few hours.
@dougra2000 I go into the office once a week, and she is left at home. My husband works afternoons from about 2pm so she's only really alone for about 2.5/3 hours depending on how good the bus service is on a given day :)
@dougra2000 On days my husband and I are both working, we have a dog walker come. If we are traveling, we get a dog sitter who stays in our home (usually our dog walker or a friend). My dog is from the shelter and I think doggy day care would remind her of that and not be pleasant.
@dougra2000 My dog is at the doggy daycare I work at/manage so like she’s with me basically always when it comes to work hours which is nice since I know where she is and what she’s doing at all times. That being said I don’t have to pay so I don’t worry about costs like that luckily.
@dougra2000 I leave my dog at home. I work nights so the other things are not options for me. I'm probably gone 7-8hrs a day but he does fine. He just sleeps when I'm gone. If I am home he still sleeps during that time anyway.

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