When did you get rid of your x-pen?


New member
I have a 9.5 month old maltipoo (7 lbs - note she is too small to jump up on the couch) and her current set up for nighttime is open crate inside a closed x-pen, and during the day when I’m gone she has free reign of the living room and kitchen only. She’s been trustworthy during the day since about 5 months old, but for some reason I’m hesitant to open up the x-pen at night.

I want to hear other people’s experience with:
- similar set up, when did you open/get rid of the x-pen entirely at night? What behavior markers did you look for?
- when did you feel comfortable putting your rugs back down on the floor?
- when did you give your dog free reign of the whole house?
@sanctify38 It's one of those "you'll miss it when it's gone" things. Like you won't litterly miss it, but you'll look back with rose tinted glasses.

When my kids were babies we had a big junperoo in the living room. I couldn't wait until we didn't need it anymore, it took up so much space.

But when I sold it on Facebook when they were older, I took a picture of it sitting on the curb waiting to be picked up. It was the end of an era and it was so bittersweet.

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