What will be best for my boy?


New member
I am truly at a lost for what to do right now, and everyone in my life is trying to help me but giving me mixed messages so I’ve come to all you lovely fellow gsd owners for advice.

I have a beautiful and loving 9 month old gsd named Bumi. He’s been with me since he was 8 weeks old. I love him to death and got him as an ESA after talking to my therapist about the benefits of getting such an active dog and how it would help me find that same purpose in my life. He totally changed my life too, I get out more when i take him on walks and to the park, my depression has improved and my anxiety has also lessened a ton. I love him more than life itself but in this new found motivation I was able to start applying for schools again for grad school.

Where I live now, there’s no program that matches what I want to do so I had to apply to schools out of state. I truthfully didn’t think I’d get into any of these schools, much less my dream one. Except, I did get into them. My issue is that the school is in Washington D.C. I live in a pretty rural area now, so Bumi has all the fields, parks, and yards he could imagine to run around and play in. I’ve never lived in a city that big, so I’m not sure what my own life would look like when it comes to school/work, much less what that would make his life look like.

I only ever want to do what’s best for him. The thought of rehoming him is physically painful but I don’t want to take him with me and it wind up doing way more harm to him than good. He deserves the best life he can have and he fits into my life right now perfectly, but he could not fit at all once I’m there and I just don’t want to wind up doing something that isn’t good for him. Would rehoming him be the best thing? What would you all do if you were in my position? Even considering this makes me feel like a failure, but I’d rather feel like I’ve failed him than hold onto him and keep him from living his best life.

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