What to do if dog ignores a one person and literally signaling. f**k you but when other person comes it, He has him as a Master?


New member
What to do if dogs just ignores commands of one person and listen to other one, No matter the gender, it might be woman and he listens to her while much stronger men is ignored. Is there way to fix that?
@asaithambi Dogs do not choose their loyalty based on how "strong" someone is, but on the level of trust and confidence.

If you want to have a stronger bond with the dog, spend time with him. Exercise him, make yourself interesting. Be fair, consistent and reward the dog if he is doing something right. If you do all of that, you are going to have a loyal and obedient dog.
@asaithambi Yeah. So I do most of the training. I feed them, I do the trick training, I reward them for good behaviors. Dogs don’t generalize well. So if I ask for a sit, buts hit the ground. If my husband asks for a sit, he gets a reluctant, ‘if I must’ sit about half the time. If a stranger asks for a sit? No dice. We ain’t sitting. Ironically. If I’m standing in the room when someone else asks, better odds of sitting.

Dogs are smart. They know I give them treats for sitting a solid half of the time. And so they listen to me. That’s all.