What to do about my dog mass on spleen?


New member
Hey all so my dog of 8.5 years got an X ray the other day and saw a mass on his spleen. Did an ultrasound today confirmed a mass in his spleen, unsure of if cancer or not surgery would be required to determine. But that will run $8,000 which I’m not sure I can afford or want to. I know the tumor can rupture causing death pretty fast but they said from one X ray they didn’t see it metastasized anywhere but need a few more images to confirm. They say anywhere from 3-8 more months if that. My question would it be better for him to let it alone and it ruptures eventually or have him go through the pain and oredeal of surgery and recovering from it only for it to be cancer and he’ll gradually get worse. Trying to put him through least amount of suffering possible and wondering if it would even be worth it in your opinion to have him go through all of that comes with surgery.
@jamesnw Hello. My dog today got diagnosed with a mass on his spleen too. He’s 12.5 and I’m also considering all options.

Have you got an update on what you have decided?

Every decision seems right but also wrong. It’s so difficult.
@godsendwoman06 Hi I’m so sorry about that what we decided is we’re not electing to do surgery as most likely it is cancer and we don’t want to put him through surgery at his age. We’ve decided to wait it out, he seems okay currently but I figure it’s better for him to not be in pain from a surgery
@jamesnw I’m so sorry for you. It’s absolute torture for us.

I have some light knowing that our dogs don’t know they have the tumour. They have no idea.

We are currently still considering all options but currently we are thinking of not doing surgery too.

What is the size of the tumour? We’ve been told ours has a 5cm tumour roughly- he’s a 35kg labradoodle. I’m trying to find information on how big they normally get- not much information online.
@godsendwoman06 Hi Guys! Just dropping to share what we went through a couple of weeks ago.

On April 4, 2024, we brought out 10 year old cocker spaniel to the vet because his stool keeps on coming back with blood. We all thought this was because of a protozoa that we've been dealing for the past three months. On this check up, the doctor (not or usual one) offered to do an ultrasound since it has been years since they checked his heart (he has MVD). From there, they found a 5cm mass tumor on the spleen.

April 7, 2024, we brought him to our old doctor to have him do xray and reconfirm the diagnosis, from here, we already got confirmation that we are dealing with a 5cm tumor on the spleen - highly likely malignant is what our doctor told us.

April 10, 2024, we brought him to the doctor we went to on April 4, 2024 to do another ultrasound. We weren't convinced to do the splenectomy because we felt that that his heart couldn't handle being put to sleep. We also got confirmation that the mass grew from 5.22 cm to close to 6 cm in just about a week - likely malignant is what the doctor said. Our decision making process at this point in time is (1) We want him to give the fighting chance whether benign or malignant. Once we know the results, then we can decide if we will proceed with the chemo or just decide on his quality of life.

April 11, 2024, we brought him to his vet (April 7 vet) to do the splenectomy. Took about 1.5 hours for the whole operation and at about 5:00 PM, we brought him home. He just couldn't stop crying and whining while inside the confinement room. The doctor told us that it would be best just to bring him home so he can relax and get better in his own home.

April 22, 2024, the day we went to our vet to have the stitches removed was also the same day we got news the tumor is benign.

After going through multiple losses this 2024 (human), feeling that 2024 is a terrible year for us and feeling that no one above is listening to any of our prayers, we finally felt that the opposite because statistically, we should be on the malignant side even after two of our doctors telling us that this is likely malignant.

Our moral of the story? Fight until the end. The world can surprise you.

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