What sorts of interesting (or odd) things have you and your dog come across on walks?

Today Suki and I had an excellent walk! We came across a BIG sculpture of a dog in someone’s front yard which she seemed puzzled by. It reminded me of all the funny things we’ve seen on our outings, which include: a toilet planter, dinosaur statues, an elephant made of rope, little gnome doors in trees, and more.

Have you guys ever run into anything interesting that made both you and your dog scratch your heads?
@joshuawithmartin I live near a pond and one time on our walk we ran across a turtle and Ren LOST HIS SHIT. Between how far over threshold he was, the fact that turtles move slow and that I couldn't stop laughing at him it took us forever to get enough distance from the turtle for him to calm down.
@shinsull Omg Suki saw a turtle for the first time this summer. I have to confess I didn’t notice it and Suki probably thought she was sniffing a really interesting rock and then it moved and she and I both jumped!
@shinsull Astra saw a winged cicada for the first time on one of our walks and full on freaked out. I had about the same reaction: I couldn't stop laughing at my 20 lb mutt having a meltdown over a cicada on the sidewalk. She jumped like 3 ft in the air when it moved. I finally got her to calm down and move away, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't help but laugh at their dog sometimes.
@joshuawithmartin The things I find odd and the things Poppy finds weird are often very different, but Poppy's reactions to things she finds weird are better, so I'll list those here:
* A fallen tree floating in the bay
* A rock sticking out of the sand where when tide was out
* a single leaf floating in a fountain
* A pile of leaves in the gutter
* multiple weirdly shaped logs
* A garden statue of a frog
* One of those neon-yellow "Children at play" signs that was newly placed on one of our usual walking routes
* Sandbags
* A garden statue of a cat

Poppy isn't even really fearful of inanimate objects, bust listing them all here makes it sound like she's scared of everything. She typically barks and sort of cautiously dances around weird stuff till she works up the courage to touch it. If she can't actually touch the thing, she'll watch it and bounce around till, she figures it our, or I take her away. Once she realizes its nothing she never freaks out again, but every time she finds something weird it cracks me up. I like to let her hang out and figure out what's going on as much as I can because I think It makes her braver in the long run.
@joshuawithmartin Oh you’re in the bay too! The other day we walked by a statue of children on a log (I think). Willow though it was not cool and started growling. I brought her closer and treated when she wasn’t growling but she was still skeptical.

She’s also been weirded out by plastic bags on the ground and even orange road cones. I think she was kept isolated as a puppy because she was extremely skiddish when we got her and while she’s gotten better, her dog reactivity has certainly come out. Still don’t know how she could be isolated but then also mostly ok with people.
@joshuawithmartin Yesterday my super reactive dog did a play bow at an armadillo that we were sharing the sidewalk - about the only thing she isn't reactive to apparently!

During Christmas time she gets super suspicious of plastic reindeers in people's yard and seems particularly offended by a Santa statue that a neighbor has.
@joshuawithmartin A dead black bear cub. Cassie noticed it up on a hill above the road, I thought it was a pile of bison fur but Cassie wouldn’t let us move on so we went up to check it out. It was curled up in a ball and frozen solid. I notified the proper people, they came and picked it up and I had a phone interview with Bear Management a few days later. The guy told me that black bear sows will abandon their cubs if they feel they won’t be able to support them through the winter.