What should I do with my troublemaking 5-month Labrador?


New member
Back in early January, our oldest daughter found a very young female Labrador puppy all on her own. Since it was pretty cold out, she decided to bring her back home. I'm guessing she was less than a month old because she'd mainly waddle and couldn't walk that well. We fed her, bathed her, and let her sleep in a small box with some blankets.

A few days after she came to our home

My wife and I searched for potential owners, but nobody knew anything about where she came from, so we decided to keep her temporarily. Over the next few weeks, we got Daisy vaccinated and into the routine of house life. Aside from her not sleeping throughout the night, things were going well until about mid-February.

Around this time, Daisy became super destructive. She would run all over the place and spend half the time she was awake whining or barking. We'd feed her (overfed her), play with her, etc. Yet she continued to be very noisy. She also started chewing and biting on anything and everything she could find and began to hate the playpen we had set up for her.

Since I work from home three days each week, she seems to have latched onto me, and it isn't uncommon for her to start whining while I'm working or start pawing at my door. On the days that she's left home alone, she suffers from severe separation anxiety and will struggle to go to sleep those nights unless my wife and I move her bed into our room. Daisy has also failed miserably at any sort of potty training we've tried and seems to love doing her business anywhere.

To make her alone days easier, we decided to let our retired neighbour look after her during the hours we were away. He has two dogs of his own, so we imagined this would work out well. It didn't because it turns out Daisy has a very bad fear of other dogs. Apparently, his larger dog bullied and chased Daisy for a significant part of the day and would even go on top of her and eat her food. Once my wife got home from work, the neighbour didn't even have to bring Daisy home because as soon as he opened his door, she bolted across the street and ran into our house and under the sofa as fast as she could.

All this combined with her constant neediness has driven my wife and me to our wits' end. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any good options for us since all the dog shelters in our area are full and backlogged. Our kids can't really give her any more time than they currently are giving since they're super busy with their school work and extracurriculars.

Any suggestions or helpful advice would be greatly appreciated

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