What should I add to my dogs food to not make him so hungry all the time


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Long story short

My Siberian Husky had seizures and got put on medicine for it. He got on it in March of 2022. Ever since then he acts like he’s starving and has gained 15-20 pounds in the last year. He also chugs water like no other since the medicine started. He is also neutered.

I doubled his dog food and he still acts like it’s not enough. He’s 7 so it’s not like he’s a puppy

He’s only acted like this since the seizure medicine

I know about green beans but what are some other good fillers for him that aren’t too expensive and will allow us to not rely on dog food as the soul food option for him.
@davidmcarth Make sure you check with your vet about this if you haven't yet, just in case, it might not be the medication. Thyroid issues can cause seizures, and they also can cause increased hunger, thirst & weight gain.

You've got some good filler recommendations already, and excellent advice to try feeding meals through lick mats, kongs, snuffle mats, buster cubes and/or other puzzle treat dispensers so feeding time lasts longer. Another filler option would be canned pumpkin. And carrot slices make good low calorie treats.
@davidmcarth Have you looked into a weight management dog food? They are made to be a high volume-low calorie kibble so your dog doesn’t feel like he’s getting less.

Maybe your dog also just wants something to chew. Would he be interested in various chewy things from the pet store? My dogs love duck feet or pigs ears, but obviously those aren’t low calorie. Ice? Frozen carrots?

Make a lick bowl with kibble, green beans, maybe some canned/chopped up chicken, fill it with chicken broth and freeze it. Maybe forcing your dog to take longer to eat will make him feel more satisfied at the end.

And, of course, I have to mention making sure to regularly exercise your dog. I’m sure you do since he’s a husky, but I just wanted to mention it.
@davidmcarth Vet Tech here. I would speak to your Vet. Seizure medications can have side effects like increased hunger, weight gain and increased drinking and urinating.

I'd also think about bloodwork and urinalysis, to double check there isn't something else going on.

You can try switching to the senior or weight control version of whatever brand you currently feed. That will allow more food for the same, or even less calorie count.

Some safe low cal supplements are things like apples, blueberries, cucumber, carrots, green beans (low sodium If you opt for canned), plain rice cakes...to name a few. You can Google a dog safe list of fruits and veggies.

You can also subtract a small portion of his AM and PM meals, and feed that as treats throughout the day. Or, break his meals into 3 or 4 smaller meals opposed to 2 bigger meals.
@davidmcarth I have a lab so she is ALWAYS hungry. Instead of doubling her food I give her usual 1 cup of food in the morning and then throughout the day for treats she gets raw carrots, 1/2 apple per day sliced up, cucumber slices, or blueberries/strawberries for training treats. At night she gets her 1 cup of kibble, 3/4 cup of cooked carrots and broccoli mixed with either enough plain Greek yogurt or pumpkin to make the mixture stick together and stuff inside her Kong so it takes her awhile to eat it. Doing this adds very few calories and has left her more satisfied!!

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