What is this?


New member
This “growth”/ skin lesion suddenly appeared on my dog’s snout. I thought that she had burned her snout about 3 weeks ago, and she played today with another pup. Is it a burn, a bite, or something different (e.g., canine eosinophilic furunculosis)? Should I take her to the vet tomorrow or will it heal on its own? Thank you in advance. Here are a few pictures of the “growth”/skin lesion:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3
@_ari Vet tech - I'm hoping the black part is a scab, but if not I'd get it seen sooner rather than later. Lumps are impossible to diagnose on looks alone. And if it is something insidious that needs to be removed, sooner is better as there isn't much extra tissue in this area to close with.