What is the best course of action for introducing a new dog to my resident dog?


New member
Hi there,

I have brought a new dog home on a trial basis, H (female age 3), home as of yesterday. I have a resident dog P (female age 8) and a cat (female, age 2). I am not concerned about my cat at this time, but my dog, which I didn't anticipate. There have been some issues in the last 24 hours so I wanted to get some advice.

P is extremely easy going with other animals, regardless of species. H is mostly easy going. P and H both have some mild anxiety issues. When I introduced P and H after bringing H home, it was totally smooth and there were no issues. They sniffed butts and walked around the home and were very much ambivalent. Later in the night, I had come home from grabbing some dinner and they were both excited to see me. I have been doing little things to work on P's anxiety, like not giving her attention when I come home and waiting until she self-soothes before giving her attention, since her anxiety is the separation kind. I did that for both P and H and what resulted was H getting aggressive with P. H got on top of P and snarled and was snapping at P and P was trying to fight back, but was clearly being dominated by H. I broke it up and was honestly shocked that this happened, and thought it was probably because of their anxiety and both of them trying to get my attention. So when I leave the home I keep them separate so that for now, I can greet them separately as H settles in my home.

This morning, I took P and H to a small dog park and ran around with them a bit until they were ready to leave. We walked home and got inside the home and all was good and dandy. Both pups were tired and settling in and walking around, getting water, finding a comfortable place to lay down, etc. P kind of just bumped into H as they were walking about and H reacted. H did the same thing she did last night, got on top of P and snarled and snapped. It was a bit tougher to break up this time but I did it. This time, I assume it was P bumping into her that triggered something... but now I'm wondering what to do.

This is my first time having more than one dog, so I'm definitely really new at this. The rescue I adopted H from didn't have this issue and described H as a very timid and submissive dog, so this is different than what I was expecting. As of this moment, I have H in the bedroom and am keeping them separated. Overnight last night, they were both in the bedroom on their own dog beds and did great. I would appreciate so much resources I should check out, advice on what I should do, etc, as I am new at this and want to give H the best chance on being a permanent member of our family before I decide she isn't a good fit. Thank you!

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