What flea and tick treatment do y’all use?

We had a medicine regiment that worked well and we’ve used for a long while. Chewable tablets to kill adult fleas, bath to remove eggs, leave-in spray to prevent new fleas from moving in. This works for about 6 months, we just spray them down every once in a while and it works. In March my buddy Blue started having seizures and was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

This past weekend they were scratching so we did the chewable+bath+spray as usual and ever since, Blue has been having two seizures a day. I called his vet and she said the chewables are not recommended for dogs with seizures, it causes them to have more seizures. She recommended topical only.

So we’re back to square one, except for the spray and shampoo but we need something to kill the adult fleas that get on them. What do you guys use for your buddies?
@servant7ofthelord Frontline plus works well for us. Both flea and tick, we do live in the city but travel out to our 5+ acres of fields and woods, a lot. We will occasionally find a flea or tick on them, but typically they’re already dead. We find more live ones on our self’s because they have yet to devise a human anti-tick medication.
@edk I’m not putting that on him, I don’t want him to ingest anything that could be harmful to him. If it’s harmful to humans without a mask, it’s definitely not non-toxic to a dog.

I don’t know why you would think this regiment is stacked treatment, it’s not. There’s nothing wrong with a bath to remove flea eggs and the spray is a non-toxic preventative measure. The only treatment was the chewable which I now cannot use.
@edk The dust is toxic. And the dog grooms himself so he’d end up ingesting it. I’m not arguing with you on this, I’m not doing anything that would be harmful to him in any way.