What do you guys think about this device?

@kayzee It is a pretty safe bet that anything for sale on FB falls into the "snake oil" category. I mean if you cannot tell by the production quality of their adverts, just go off FB and search for an actual sucker that bought it and posted a warning to others. I am sure you will find lots.
@kayzee It's an aversive, like spraying your dog with water to get them to stop barking. It's not violent like hitting your dog but it's relying on them really not liking the sound and will only work as intended for some dogs. Far more reliable to either put the barking on command and then extinguishing outside of that or train the dog to redirect.
@kayzee Looks like a p.o.s. Just take the time to train your dog. Dog training takes time and there aren’t short cuts. One of the simplest ways to deal with barking is to redirect with a recall and then reward
@kayzee These devices 100% depend on your dog. My friend used one once for their two dogs. One dog took to it fine, the other...did not. The noise freaked him out so bad that he was in a constant state of anxiety for weeks afterwards. He also associated the discomfort with the other dog barking and would randomly attack the other dog. It took them over a month and two expensive training sessions to help the dog get over it.

Dogs are very sensitive to sound so honestly I don't recommend these.