What are your fav grooming clippers? (Andis, Oster, other?) Looking to invest in a good set


I hope this is the best place to post this. I didn’t see this subreddit when I searched initially and the r/dog community actually pointed me over here to get the best advice. :) But reading through several of the posts, I was struck by what a kind, caring, and supportive sub this is.

We have two ‘doodles. A 70lb Labradoodle (12.5 years) and a 40lb Border Doodle (8 months), both female. I have always groomed our dogs at home (and did the same w/ the Bichon we had prior, and even the Bichon I had before that as a teenager). I’m very ready now to invest in a really good set of clippers. I’ve been using a Wahl (Designer?) mostly but also a Remington Indestructable. The latter actually does better & is quieter but doesn’t have longer combs available to fit (it’s a proprietary shape, darn it) so I’m looking for a “pro clipper” that will accept fairly “universal” combs/guides for length. It seems most Andis & Oster detachable clippers are have combs & blades that are interchangeable but I’m certainly not stuck on either of those brands, if there is something better. I can’t say I’ve loved the Wahl, to be honest. It’s always required many, many passes to get an even cut and it gets HOT. Like burn my hands hot. And, it’s so loud it’s impossible to follow a TV show in the background. It’s also vibrates a lot and the dogs don’t seem to like it much for all of these reasons.

I’ve read as much as I could find and I think that the detachable style will work best for us (vs adjustable). But I’m wondering what brand you prefer and why. And if there is a specific clipper model you like, I’d love to know. Right now, it’s taking me 3-4+ hours/dog and I simply can’t handle that physically (& they aren’t loving it either!). I’m having to go over the same areas many many times to make sure that everything is clipped evenly. I’m looking for a clipper that will clip cleanly in 1-2 passes (or whatever is reasonable on that). Corded is fine. I don’t need to have to recharge in the middle of a session. Also, I’m interested in a company w/ good service that will stand behind their products. Amazon reviews are pretty mixed which is why I need help & opinions from Reddit, particularly this community!! Any advice would be welcome. Thanks so much in advance! Looking forward to learning. :D
@s3mp3rr3formanda Do you have a professional dryer? I ask because hair cuts much nicer and more easily if the dog was properly bathed and blow out first.

That said, we usually train our groomers to go over everything 3 times with the clippers to make sure they get every hair evenly.

My hands down favorite clipper is the Andis Excel 5 speed. It's lightweight, quiet, and powerful. It will heat up blades faster though, so make sure you have coolant spray or enough blades to swap out when they become heated.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I have a really good “human” dryer but not a “dog dryer”. Can use low heat and high airflow. I’ve generally clipped them first and washed second just to make sure all the loose hair from the clip gets washed off and doesn’t stay in their hair or get around the house. But then again, I haven’t been able to do this all at once given the fact that it’s been taking me so darn long to trim them. Literally, 3-4 hours. It’s exhausting.

It sounds like Andis is the way to go. Only one mention of Oster and it was negative. Can I ask what the coolant spray is? I assume it just cools the blade to help keep them from losing their “temper” and therefore their sharpness. Where does one find it? I’ve (obviously) never used it before. I would use oil during the trim but nothing else. I’ll check out the Excel. Thanks so much for sharing!
@s3mp3rr3formanda The spray is used when the blades heat up so you don't burn the dog with a hot blade, and it also keeps the metal lubricated like you described. Most places that sell clippers should have it for sale, it's an aerosol can usually called "kool lube" or something similar. Oster and Andis both make it.

It might be worth it to bathe her at a self-serve bath place, they have the high velocity dryers. There really is a huge difference between dog dryers and human dryers. You could take her in for a bath, then groom her and blow off the loose hairs.

The hair will cut a lot more easily when it's clean and properly blown and brushed out, you'll get a much more even cut and it should take a lot less time.
@s3mp3rr3formanda I started with the Andis UltraEdge 2-Speed and when that died, I got the Andis Excel 5-Speed (both corded, and the 5-speed is bigger by the plug, so you have to be mindful of that). Either one is fine, but you may want the UltraEdge to save a few bucks. I want to say all of us at my salon used that one save for the oldest groomer (she used the 5-speed).
@cornopean Wow! Lots of good thoughts about the Andis. I’ll definitely look into both of these. For the money, is it worth the extra $$$ for the Excel (for a non-pro) vs the UltraEdge 2 Speed? Thanks for this info. Really helped me decide to go with the Andis!
@s3mp3rr3formanda I think the 2-Speed will be fine. Like I said, pretty much everyone in my salon used it for their dogs, which included those with thicker coats. It should be enough to handle two doodles. 5-speed allows more versatility/accommodations, sure, but I don't think it's necessary. I only work on a family friend's dog and my own dog now, and if I wasn't relying on all of my equipment from working in the salon, I'd go back to the 2-speed.
@s3mp3rr3formanda I definitely like Andis. I have tried multiple Oster clippers and they were all awful. Wahl is great too as long as you stick with their higher end models so they’re not quite as easily accessible as Andis. Right now I’m using this one and I love it. I can’t go back to using clippers with a cord. I’m spoiled now 😂.

This was my very first clipper and it was definitely good. However now that I’ve tried other things I find it heavy and cumbersome. It’s excellent for someone just getting started though.
@chaz1268 As I mentioned below, the talk of higher end Wahl had me check those out. Goodness! A full 5 year warranty! Makes it harder to consider the 1 year that Andis offers. I appreciate you mentioning this. Not sure which way I’ll decide now but the additional info will help me make a better choice. Also, the Wahl KM is a cordless/corded convertible. Advantage of cordless until you run out of power then just keep going. And, gives the power of corded when needed. Decisions, decisions... :D
@s3mp3rr3formanda I know there’s so many choices and not just with clippers. I can’t tell you how many brushes, combs, sprays, scissors, etc that I’ve tried. It’s never ending 😂. At least I have my job as an excuse to test it all.
@chaz1268 So much love for the Andis clippers! I really appreciate you sharing this and the fact that the Oster were awful. I was surprised, thinking that the Oster and Andis would be comparable but it definitely sounds like they aren’t and that makes my decision so much easier. I would have hated to have gone with the Oster (at the same general price point) only to find that they were crummy. I also see what you mean about the Wahl. It seems like the higher end (which might be close to the Andis) are not nearly as easily available as Andis, while the lower end Wahls are much more available, even at places like Sally Beauty. Thanks so much for taking the time to share. It’s helped a great deal and I’m very grateful. :)
@s3mp3rr3formanda Definitely Andis. If you order through them, or I think even through Amazon, their clippers should come with a warranty and their customer service has always been phenomenal for the rare few times I've had an issue with a clipper. I use the Andis Ultra edge 2 speed and prior to that, just a plain old Andis 2 speed which is still my backup clipper if anything happens to the ultra edge (which, so far, hasn't been necessary over the last 2 years of using it full time).
@livelifeliving33 Goodness, the advice from so many in this thread has been such a great deal of help! I was really torn between Oster and Andis and thought they’d be similar but so much love for Andis has been an eye opener! I’ll definitely be looking at the UltraEdge. Sounds like that’s probably the best option for me for the price/performance ratio. Thanks so much for taking the time to share you experience. It’s really been helpful!
@s3mp3rr3formanda If you're looking for a moderately priced Clipper I'd go Andis Excel 5 speed. Andis is the most popular among groomers I'd say. I used them for years.

If you have money to spend and want the Rolls Royce of Clippers go with the Heiniger cordless for dogs. It's the best I've ever used in almost 15 years of grooming. It has a sealed motor so hair doesn't get down inside the housing. It is the most powerful cordless I've ever used and I use it all day, every day and it never dies. It'll cut through any coat like butter. It's quiet an extremely light weight. I can't recommend this clipper enough. It's the only one I've ever owned to have no issues after more than 2 years of use. They are made by a company that made sheep shearing clippers so the motor is a power house.

I also agree with the person that recommended getting a professional velocity dryer. You can watch some videos on you tube in proper drying technique. Watch videos on force (velocity) drying and fluff drying. A good grooming begins with a good bath and fluff dry.
@s3mp3rr3formanda I use the Wahl KM cordless, but it's a two speed and since you're wanting to get through the dogs at a quicker pace I suggest looking into the Andis Ion (also cordless). Andis Ion are a five speed, and do a little bit of a better job keeping charge than my KMs. The cord has always been a hassle to me, but I don't know if that matters to you. Both Wahl and Andis make great products and almost all the products are warranted for a period of time.

I highly recommend making sure you're using clippers with detachable blades. Most Amazon clippers are good for small areas that are kept very short, but for total body you definitely need something more industrial.
@bob_johnson Excellent info. I’m definitely going w/ detachable. Was considering adjustable and so forth but the ability to easily replace or upgrade the blades makes a lot of sense. And w/ two full-size doodles, there’s a lot of dog “real estate” to clip so they blades will get dull. I appreciate you sharing!
@bob_johnson Arrgghh!! I thought I was all set when I made the mistake ;) (haha!) of looking at the Wahl KM. Darn it. I wanted a corded just so it wouldn’t run out of juice but that one is dual corded/cordless AND it has a full 5 year warranty vs 1 year on the Andis. Plus a brushless motor, like the Andis Endurance (which still only has a 1 year warranty). Even the KM10 is interesting as it’s exactly the same but w/o the cordless part. Same 5 year warranty. That’s hard to walk away from. With the credit cards that add 2 years to the warranty, I’d be guaranteed a working trimmer for 7 years. With the investment that any of these clippers are, that’s hard to not consider... Thanks for sharing this. Even though it made my decision more difficult, I’ll make a better decision because of your knowledge. And, I may end up with a longer warrantied unit.
@s3mp3rr3formanda Andis 2 speed corded ftw. I thought I was upgrading by buying a cordless (andis agr+) but when it broke I went back to the 2 speed corded and my God the difference! Even with blades that aren't the sharpest, it's still like a hot knife through butter! V satisfying!
@trulyblst54 Ahhhh! Thank YOU for sharing this!! I kinda wondered if this might be the case w/ cordless. Just seems like we need a little bit more development in battery technology before they can compete 100%. I’m sure it’s “nice” to have cordless but since I’m used to the cord, and have two full size doodles, I don’t want to be worrying about my battery dying in order to finish their haircuts. That would drive me crazy. It’s great to hear that my intuition was correct on this one, at least for me, at this point in time. :) I’ll bet that was an interesting experience going from the one cordless to the power of the corded one. I would have loved to have seen that. Thanks for taking the time to share that. It truly helped me know that I’m on the right path, so to speak, for picking the right clipper. I know this probably seems like a lot of thought and effort to put in but since this is a sizable purchase for me, I don’t have extra funds to get it wrong, so to speak and I’ve not bought clippers this expensive before. :)