What age puppies do you intake and when do you start doing real clips/styles


New member
Thank you in advance even if you laugh at me.

I want to desensitize and normalize and have a well-behaved pup. Clean, healthy, with groomers who don't hate us.

Constant reminders about parvo have me freaked. He's only had one shot yet. Don't let him touch the ground, don't let him sniff sidewalk, bleach any stray dog poo on yard, avoid any other strange dogs.

So it feels awkward/scary at this stage? But if I wait until 16-18 weeks what about his socialisation?

Less vitally, what about groomers thinking I'm an idiot?

A chain said I can groom him now (puppy groom) there. They also do a one vax puppy school on premises so lots of puppies there. They said it's fine, they clean with some strong chemicals they didn't explain.

But an indie groomer said absolutely not until 3 shots / 16 weeks and acted like I was odd to ask if I could come in before that?

He's 9 weeks, I've bathed him twice at home with puppy shampoo and conditioner so far, we're practicing with a toothbrush for buzzy, I brush and comb and I can see skin and try and do it properly. I've scissored his butthole region slightly because nature and G-d demanded I do something after a specific poo.

Want to be safe, parvo scares the shit out of me. But don't want 16 years of grooming drama because I was anxious?

He's 9 weeks. When to start gentle puppy grooms? Do the franchise until he's old enough to go elsewhere? Or are they just taking a risk they have enough insurance?

[I'm not blaming the actual groomers either way, I hope that's clear]

My bias - I'd like to have grooming be normal for him, and I kinda prefer short clips, I think, and of longer ones, more style less haystack.

What age can a pup get shaved down poodle feet and face? It would be so much easier to keep him clean.

I'd also like to go really crushed velvet short on his body at least a couple times to try, but I don't know what age that's ok, or if it's a number of practice sessions? Like if he has 3 puppy practice grooms, can he be clipped all over? Or wait until a specific age, regardless?

He's small but not micro, expected to mature to about 12-13 lbs, currently about 6.

Generally, not just this dog - what age do you want pups to start coming in? You generally expect how many vaccines? If he does puppy school anyway should I just risk the grooming?

Does any groomer actually like/appreciate the whole don't have him formally groomed for a year thing? A couple people have brought it up to me or warned me not to cut his hair too soon but I feel like that's made up?

What age would you do a full shave down or a real style, assuming he comes in not matted or gross and he's learnt to act decent? I don't like the Compost Care Bear derelict teddy thing.
@licatadorothy84 So at my work we recommend getting it done before the 4 month mark but that can be difficult sometimes cause vets in our area are insanely busy so sometimes they're a little late. The worst dogs we have are the ones who came in so late they NEEDED a full haircut rather than just a puppy trim. Definitely wait until he's got his shots, there's no reason to add any extra risk in my opinion. 16-18 weeks is pretty decent. Once they've done their first puppy clip, we'll talk to the owners about what they want. Some dogs can get stressed getting a full shave, but the earlier you start a dog doing something then the better they'll be about it. As for socialization I can't say as much about that, but I will say we also run a daycare and it's very rare for a dog to start at daycare before that same age so I
@licatadorothy84 I’ve been taking my dog to work with me at the salon since 8 weeks I think the risk is dependent on your area, I also don’t have a yard so he went for walks at that age as well and he never got sick. If you are really worried you can continue with what you are doing at home for now, that’s a really good start!
@licatadorothy84 At my salon, we'll do nails as early as 8 weeks, but they don't stay. It's a clip the nails, be silly on the table, go home kind of appointment. We like for pups to have at least had their first two rounds of shots before their first bath and light trimming of the face, feet, and sanitary area.

As far as a whole haircut, that's determined by your pup. I've done a full haircut on a 5 month old before. That baby was the most well-rounded and confident pup I've had in a long time. They were already starting to go through coat change, so we went down to about a half inch all over so brushing at home was easier.

I always recommend an electric toothbrush and a spoon for desensitizing puppies to grooming. Electric toothbrush because the sound and vibration mimicks clippers, spoon because it's reflective like shears. Get your pup used to being touched everywhere, then touched with things. Turn on the toothbrush, reward, run the toothbrush battery end all over their body. Get them used to having it in their face and feet especially if you're after clean face, clean feet. Take the spoon and rest it on puppy's nose, move it around their face. That kind of thing. Increase the duration of these sessions. Increase the duration of how long you hold paws and legs and what not.

Crushed velvet length for me is usually a 4 or 5 blade. Me personally, I wouldn't try it until they were through coat change because puppy fur usually looks like garbage that short. Also, personally, I'd recommend leaving the legs a couple lengths longer than the body so they look more square and less like they're on stick legs. Again, this is personal preference. I'm not the one who has to brush your dog everyday, so you do whatever style you want.
@licatadorothy84 We take dogs with their second vaccination and suggest doing at least 2 bath and tidy appointments before any real haircuts happen. We always clean but are extea careful with very young dogs. By the time they need a haircut they would have had their 3rd vax
@licatadorothy84 I never required any vaccines to be groomed. My general rule was we make an appointment ‘as soon as the parent is comfortable’. There’s no correct age for a first haircut.

My dood was ready at 3.5 months so that’s when I did it but he had a handful of sessions prior. Some parents aren’t ready until 7 months or whatever, that’s on them :) many dogs get matted af trying to get to one year with all the puppy coat and adult coat under especially if they’re not coming in weekly for a bath and brush out