What’s your WfH set up with puppy?


New member
Just curious how those who work from home manage puppy. Do you work in the same room or crate and work elsewhere?

Currently work in the same room but puppy wants my attention 100% of the time and sulks in her open crate when I don’t engage. I give in sometimes but sometimes have to ignore.

I’m thinking of changing it up and working upstairs and engaging on my terms?
@arka I worked in the same room and was at her beck and call from when we got her at 2mo to about 6.5mo. My work is flexible and it worked for potty training, but it was emotionally draining and not enough of a boundary. I work in another room now and have scheduled check-ins throughout the day and she's always so happy to see me and she does really well. She's able to sleep a lot more and I get more done, plus it's working on her separation training (and independence training) which can be difficult with WFH.
@rainfallsoneveryone YES! To a point, you can ignore them and they will adjust. They’ll learn it’s not play time. OFCOURSE take care of your puppy. But you can keep interactions at a minimum. It may take a while but they will learn. Every now and then check on the pup and give a little attention to reward the good behavior.

During the pandemic I wasn’t working much so I was with my pup 24/7. Then I started working at a bicycle store where I could bring him. For the first week he’d whine and cry every time I left his sight. Eventually he realized when we’re at the store he needs to relax and I’ll give him attention when I can. Then any break I had and after work I made it super fun.

I think giving them attention when they are whining or begging skis just going to reinforce that behavior. They will be perfectly fine with some down time. Even benefit from it. Now that I’m working from home on my own schedule when I sit to work he may try to get my attention for 5 minuets then he’ll settle down or find something else to do.
@arka And if you want extra reassurance that the puppy is doing fine you can get a mini camera and monitor her from your phone. We use one from Blink and I think it’s about 30 bucks.
@rainfallsoneveryone I’m looking forward to this transition. I work from home and have been working in the same room as our puppy for a few weeks now, but I do miss working in my home office. Thinking in maybe a month I’ll hopefully be able to start working in a different room than him, but we haven’t completely gotten away from the occasional accident, but getting much better
@johnkeck consistency and patience. like said earlier they usually take JUST the amount of time after we run out of patience and want to snap. you’ll be enjoying alone time and the pup will be much happier getting more sleep without distractions! you got this😄
@arka My apartment setup doesn’t really allow for separate. I have a gate that blocks off the kitchen which is right next to my desk. His crate stays in the kitchen during the day. I just schedule out 2 walks and his enforced naps so he’s sleeping during my meetings. Now that he’s getting a bit older he’s ok to play on his own or even settle outside of his crate during the day.
@my2kidsmom Sounds like you’ve got it pretty well dialled in.

She’s only just allowed to walk outside as of this week. Hoping once she’s over the need to just smell everything, a few short walks will tire her out.
@arka Walks are amazing. Once you get leash walking down you’ll be able to tire them out a bunch and that will give you a lot more flexibility. Good luck!
@arka The smelling will help tire her out! Sniffing helps dogs wear their brains out so I'd let her keep sniffing when you can. Physical and mental stimulation combined work wonders toward a tired dog
@arka My desk is in her puppy proofed room (it’s the only place it fits) but I make a point to take my laptop to go and work in another room for 1-2 hours a day to get her used to being alone.
@arka My office is totally separate from his playpen and crate for this exact reason! It might change and he gets older, but as long as he has lots of playtime before work/lunchtime he has been settling for 3-4 hr naps am and pm, with a toilet break or two during each as he needs.
@wangari Yeah, it’s heartbreaking to hear her sulk about and go into her crate in a huff. I think the new strategy will be something similar to this.

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