Weird food resource guarding — luring the other dog in


New member
Long story short: one dog won’t eat unless the other dog has access to her food, in which case she barks/resource guards at the other dog and then runs over to finish her food. She won’t eat until she has the opportunity to lure the other dog into a situation where she can then bark at the other dog.

Explanation: I have two dogs (best friends), one is a pokey eater (P) and one is a chunky hungry girl (C). We’ve always fed them either out of eyesight of each other and/or divided by a baby gate. C always finishes eating quickly and then would wait at the gate for P to finish eating. P started getting slower about eating and would sit and wait at the gate right next to C on the opposite side, so I would just assume P was finished eating. Whenever I’d do that, I’d open the gate to go inside and if C stuck her head in, P would bark at her and then run over to finish eating. Now, we feed them divided by a gate and around a corner so if P is eating, she won’t be able to see C at all. Now, P won’t eat her food and will just wait by the gate next to C, until I open the gate and she barks at C and then runs back over to eat her food.

They love to play, and I think P may have realized that this resource guarding behavior gives her a chance to practice dominating C. I’ve been trying to stop this behavior by not rewarding any resource guarding, and just putting away P’s food as soon as she stops showing interest, so there’s nothing to guard. Is this the right way to go about this or is it exacerbating the problem?
@louis2017 It could have become a game...or else P might just not want to eat ALL her food right now, and wants to save it for later but can't because C will steal it.

I would put food down for 15mins with them separated, then pick up bowls before putting them back together. Give P another chance to eat (alone) at lunchtime & then once more in the evening. My 2 cents :) I don't like for them to feel pressured to hurry up & eat.
@1s4b3ll4 Thanks! I also don’t like rushing her… she’s getting older and has stopped going on runs in the morning so I think she’s just not as hungry early in the day.

I appreciate the help! Don’t want any food reactive dogs in the house if I can help it!