weak hind legs, suggestions to improve


New member
We got a GSD puppy around 4 months we feed her N&D twice a day rice with veggies+egg for the other 2 meals
Chicken egg rice on weekends. We also are giving her join supplements, calcium supplements and multi vitamins. Not really sure what else to do to help her hind legs get strong.
@charlprouse Too much rice/rice everyday isn’t good for your pup! It’s good if she’s having diarrhea or an upset tummy, but it’s not much more than a standard filler. You could do leg exercises with her, and could stretch her legs out while she’s laying down. What has the vet suggested?
@bobbiewestie I'd agree with that. I bought mine from a breeder with screened for hip and elbow dysplasia for 3 generations. It minimises risk, but certainly can still happen. Also don't over exercise the dog too.
@ericph Nope no struggling of any doesnt, she doesnt show any kind of discomfort its jus when she walks her left hind foot kinda rotates more than the right. She's not dragging her foot or anything like that, sprints normally tho this only happens when she walks around slowly.
@charlprouse Why so much rice? Just give her a high quality puppy kibble for large breed dogs and stop the extras. A joint supplement (Dasaquin or similar - ask your vet) is not a bad idea for a puppy but make sure it is a dosage for puppies. A good kibble precludes the need for additional supplements, and too much calcium can actually be detrimental. Keep her on one high quality kibble for all meals and don't change up her food.

If she's slipping and sliding on smooth flooring, you will need to put some rugs down until she is older. It's not good for developing hips and joints to walk on very smooth surfaces.

Teaching her to "back up", and doing it for a few feet at an angle, and gentle sprints up a small grassy incline are good way to build hind leg musculature. But remember, puppies should not be doing any high impact or running for too long until they're older and more developed.