We have two dogs. Just found out our daughter is super allergic


New member
So we have two dogs, a pit (7) and shih tzu (5), since they were a few months old. My daughter has really bad eczema and had a blood allergy test done and it came back that her value to dogs is 100 KU/L. Unfortunately, we have decided that it would be best for all three of them if we gave our fur babies away. However, I would like them to placed in a loving home together and still be able to communicate with the family and visit sometimes. They are truly my children and I am so heartbroken that this is even happening. Does anyone know of a good place I can refer to help me with their placement and my preference?

I live in Prince William County, Woodbridge, VA.
@marrissa This is a tough situation but there are things that can be done to adjust the environment and assist in curbing your daughters allergy.

There are shots the dogs can take and cutting their hair low was possible, wearing sweaters and such.

Getting rid of all carpet in the home.

Wear long sleeves, maybe keep them
Off the second level of where your daughter spends more time.

I have dedicated more than half my life assisting animals and situations a such. For the animals it’s the most heartbreaking depressing and can not be recovered situation.

You also have 2 Animals on separate spectrums. Small/non allergy causing hair/ minimal
Exercise. And another large/ short hair/ needs exercise pet. To find a home to have those two bonded guys is like 0 to none.

I would suggest trying home remedies
If you feel that nothing has worked, do contact a shelter and have them assist you with getting the pets a good home. Do not give them to random folks please.
yeah, i know. this whole situation is the absolute worse and i never even thought this would be happening. i have gotten a lot of comments saying to contact an animal shelter. so i will try calling tomorrow

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