Water intake of puppies


New member
This is my first post here but I have been lurking around for a while.
I got an ACD puppy last month but I think that he drinks too much water and pees a lot. Not sure if it is normal.
When he was 9 week old, he weighted 4,2kg (9.2lb) and drank as much as 800mL per day. I tried to count how many times he pees in 24 hours and it seems it is about 30 times...
My vet thinks he may have diabetes insipidus but the kennel's vet stated that ACD puppies just drink lots of water because they are very active dogs.
It's winter in my country so he is not drinking water due to high temperatures.
Does anyone have any idea about this matter? How much is the water intake of a puppy?
Thank you all in advance! I am just really worried that my boy may have a chronic disease...
@thanhlam I had the same concern with my acd as a puppy. I thought he might have a liver shunt, but he turned out perfectly healthy just drank and peed a ton as a puppy even in dead of winter. by about 12 months he evened out and while he still drinks a lot about 2-3 liters he’s about 50lbs now. He pretty much drank non stop and peed at least every hour. Now he only needs to go 3-4 times a day almost 2 years old. Good luck!
@thanhlam My puppy was the same for the first 2 months, drank a lot, peed a lot and would even run and pee at the same time. This made potty training tricky. I had some tests done (urinalysis and urine culture) at the vet and some levels were off but nothing that said kidney issues or diabetes. Another possibility to rule out is a urinary tract infection. Is he playing a lot during the day as well or not as active?

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