Want to buy a K-9 dryer...but not sure which one!


New member
Hi! I have a 4yo pomeranian & a 1yo keeshond. I starting home grooming my pom in 2020 when I had no choice but to do her myself, and discovered I quite enjoy it! I bathe and groom the pom entirely on my own, and the kees is seeing a pro every 6 weeks since he's still young, but eventually I want to be doing him mostly on my own as well. I've gotten lots of great advice lurking on this sub over the last few years and wanted to ask for some help as I look to replace the flying pig dryer I bought when my pom first came home.

I've had my eye on K-9 dryers for a while, but have absolutely no idea what I'm looking for w/r/t the different options. I'm budgeting for it, so the cost isn't the biggest factor here; I want to buy something that's going to last. If there's any other info you need to make a rec for me, I'm happy to provide it. Thanks!
@adonai1 I JUST got a new baby blue K9II. I'm not even taking it out if the box till my 20 year old one actually dies. I know it's dying but it might last 1 more month. The K9I is great for thinner coats like Yorkies. And the K9III Makes fast work in Newfies, Collies and lots of dense coat. A K9II will be just right.
@adonai1 I just pulled the trigger on the K9-III variable and I'm very excited. It's replacing a flying pig for us, too. I have an eighteen month old samoyed and definitely feeling the need for a more powerful dryer than the flying pig.
@maybeitsme Yeah my flying pig is struuuuuggling to get through my pom without overheating and I’m like in absolutely no world will it work for a bigger dog!! I’m trying to decide if I need the variable speeds; I basically never use the low setting on the one I have, but I’m not sure if a nicer dryer with more settings would be something I’d use.

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