Waking up extra early


New member
Hey everyone,
Our 9 month old ACD has typically slept in till 6 to 6:30 for the past several months. This week however he has decided to start waking up at 5 and in turn waking everyone else up.
We have tried taking him on uneventful potty breaks and putting him back in his crate, but to no avail.
As far as we can tell there have been no changes to prompt this schedule change. Breakfast at 6:30 and free time to roam till we leave for work at 7:15. He stays in his pen till he gets a potty break and a short walk and/or some play time. Once we’re home from work he gets dinner at 6:30 usually a 1.2-2 mile walk or some time playing ball coupled with a good amount of mental exercise in the form of training and puzzle toys before bed at 10.

Any suggestions for getting him back to the normal sleep schedule would be greatly appreciated