Visual guide for customers showing hair lengths left by different clipper guards/blades


New member
I think it’s Petco that uses (or used?) a display that used rug samples to give a rough idea of how much hair was left by different blades, but I always thought it wasn’t very accurate, especially considering blades/guards seem to cut different coat types to different lengths, especially when going in the direction of hair growth, rather than against it.

Someone should compile a series of photos showing the results of different guards/blades on the same coat. It would be a huge pain in the ass, I’m sure, but then groomers everywhere could print them out and display them for clients. Just imagine - maybe like a doodle, a terrier, a spaniel. All start with long coats, then photos showing their coats with an e guard all the way down to like a 7.

Or maybe something like this actually exists? Please tell me it does!
@boosted I purchased one of the “rug sample” things from Etsy but it’s probably similar to what Petco uses. When I show it to customers, I explain that it’s just a rough visual guide and try to tell them how I think their dogs hair will look vs the example.

I personally would never volunteer as tribute to make a guide like what you described. It sounds like a ton of work.