Vet killed my dog


New member
Sorry to ruin everyone’s day but I myself am kinda at a loss.

So we took our 14 year old Yorkie to the local emergency vet hospital and the first initial visit rang up a total just below $4,000. Several tests tests were done along with couple nights stay in an oxygen room. They said he had bad kidneys and gave us a list of meds to give.

Upon the follow up visit a couple weeks later at his normal vet they recommended him to go back to the hospital because they didn’t like the numbers they were seeing from a blood draw.

Back at the local hospital, they gave him an ng feeding tube and another iv for meds and nutrition.

After my mom visited our poor dog one of their techs switched the ng tube and and iv tube. I don’t know how that error could be made because they are color coded.

We had to say a hard goodbye to our baby last night and was just wondering what I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else’s baby and if they should held liable and if any of our visits totaling over $8,000 can be recovered.

We love our baby and don’t care for the money but for him to go the way he did because they were not paying attention hurts so bad.
@tommysoda Wow, as a Registered nurse I don’t know how you could possibly confuse a NG tube for an IV. The NG tube gives them nutrition and would be opaque or a solid tan color. IV fluids are clear.
@g114833 My mom’s a nurse also and had the name questions and not sure how the error could be made. The connectors are even color coded from what I know
@tommysoda Given the circumstances, you can likely dispute the case in court, and also have good grounds for a lawsuit. I recommend talking to a lawyer, as they will be better able to advise you on how to do so than most Redditors.

My condolences on the loss of your dog. It isn't easy losing a beloved pet.
@tommysoda My late chi was killed by a vet too, he gave it either the wrong medicine or the wrong dose, in my country suing is not a thing, let alone reporting or anything, I was so hurt, I am so hurt she spent her last days suffering bc of him, I hate him, one of the reason it took me so long to get chi was bc I didn't trust any vet, with my actual chi I still don't trust them, but I'm more aware now. I feel you.

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