Update to My Poodle and Tibetan Mastiff Mix being destructive


New member
Hey everyone,

I really appreciated this sub as it helped me a lot! I didn’t get a lot of advice on my post that helped me, but other posts definitely did. I just wanted to share what worked for us if it can help anyone else!

Disclaimer: This works for us because we have 2 bedrooms. We were able to use our second bedroom as our living room.
  1. We don’t crate our dogs, because we are gone for 8 hours Mon-Fri. Instead we blocked off our living room to make it dog safe so that they have plenty of room to have fun while not having access to hurt our stuff or themselves.
  2. We got calming treats for our Poodle because it was her anxiousness and separation anxiety that caused her bad habits. It has been a godsend! We tried several but found that ones with chamomile and melatonin did best for her without just making her sleep.
  3. We got a LOT of enrichment toys that we set up every morning. We have Kings which have their breakfast inside, we have wobblers, we have snuffle mats, we have gyros, towel snuffle mats, puzzles, etc. that has kept them from eating our walls! They wouldn’t play with toys but they love these items.
  4. Gates. Seriously. They have been the best investment we have ever gotten as the dogs no longer can jump against the windows or get into the kitchen.
  5. Before we had a backyard we would take our dogs to the dog park 4-5 times per week every morning. It was our first solution and the only life saver for us when we were in an apartment.