Update on Wall-E


New member
It took us nearly 2 hours to get him to go out for a walk but he finally did it. It was a short walk, lasted about 10 minutes or so max but he marked his territory about 5 times and I’m hoping it becomes easier as time passes by because I really need to get him his rabies shot.

Thank you to everyone that gave me advice and suggestions on my previous post about Wall-E, I really appreciate it and slowly but surely I’m trying them out!

chillin outside

previous post about him
@firewraith I am so happy to hear this/ read this/ whatever. You're enlarging his world. Each time he passes a hurdle he will get more confident. I'm so proud of you guys!!! It's made my morning!
@firewraith Aw that’s so great, one big-pawed step at a time 😍 If you haven’t already, I’d suggest searching online for a mobile vet and/or contacting local shelters and veterinarians to see if they do house calls or know of anyone who does. If you’re in the states it’s against the law for a dog to not be up to date on rabies.
@firewraith I'm in a similar-ish situation! I'm in the process of adopting a 9 year old mongrel who has been in a shelter for 7 years. The shelter makes us visit the dog for a month to bond first, because suddenly bringing home long term shelter dogs would stress them out, even the good natured ones. I couldn't walk him in my 1st few visits, he'd just pull on the leash SEVERELY to get back to his kennel. This is a dog that's very good with ppl, kids, other dogs etc., never bit/fought before, but insecure/low confidence n often looks for reassurance from his human. I could only walk him on our 4th walk together, and this is in an environment he knows well! He is slowly liking me though I think, as he seems to be looking/coming to me more and more for reassurance in our interactions. But I can only imagine it'll be another process of adjustment once he gets to my place...The shelter is going to help me work on his confidence. Your dog sounds similar, good natured dog that's just a bit scared for now as it had a limited environment, so I imagine walking will get easier the more you bond.
@jakson90 Aww poor baby :(
Yes mine is exactly that way, the last time we tried walking him it was a bit easier but man he laid in the middle of the street and wouldn’t move and it scared him shitless cause we were trying so hard to get him off the street and cars were passing by. After that day I had to have surgery so We haven’t tried again and I’m hoping that didn’t scare him too much :/