Update on puppy blues


New member
Hi everyone, some of you know my pup, some don’t. As a recap, we got moose a little over 3 months ago (time really flies when you’re sleep deprived!). We struggled with his crate training, barking at people/dogs, potty training, and really just everything that comes with the puppy package.

So now we’re 3 months in. Potty training has been wonderful, he’s only had 2 accidents inside in the last couple of weeks (due to our poor timing at judging his bladder capacity), he’s done p h e n o m e n a l with crate training, and has done SO well with his basic obedience training. We’re doing some fun commands like “under” where I ask him to crawl under whatever seat I’m in or under my legs if on a bench, “center” to sit between my legs when I’m not actively walking (like waiting on a walk light or crossing the street), and “alert” where he barks on command multiple times in a row in a loud intimidating matter (I live with my husband but am often alone at home and I don’t live in the best neighborhood. This area has been known for breaking and entering) and the command “softer” for his inside barks, which he finally getting the hang of!! He has done so incredibly well with all of these and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

We’re facing an old but newer issue of barking at other dogs/people but he is SO smart and is slowly starting to catch onto his attention being redirected to me rather than the distractions.

This is more just an update on Moose and his progress. I know regression is inevitable, but building this foundation gives me confidence we can overcome anything with consistency and positive reinforcement. He’s finally becoming more of a friend/family member than a nuisance (I know most of you have been here, please don’t judge me for my harsh sounding words. Puppies are a lot of work and are often assholes 🙄) Love him to pieces and I’m glad we’re making good progress. :)

Mooses puppy tax
@prodigalsun Thanks for sharing. We are on a similar phase. It seems my 3-month-old alternates every other day between being a good girl (with the zoomies twice a day) and being a crazed nibbling rat (with the occasional moment of clarity). Here's to persevering with the training and I'm sure we'll have great pals!