Update on Finding edible dental chews for a dog that gulps everything


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Just wanted to say thanks to all the lovely folks who weighed in on my request for safe, edible chews my gulping-prone dog could be trusted with. The winning product turned out to be bully sticks (12"). She could knock out a 6" stick in under 20 minutes, so I upgraded to the longer ones, tie a piece of rope around the middle-ish parts (mostly to annoy her, and slow her down), and take the stick away before she can whittle it down to a size she can swallow. My little dog gets the leftovers, and happily nibbles those down to nothingness (no wasted bully pizzle)!

Grumpy gulper now has lovely back teeth, and only mildly objectionable breath.

This may be of use to someone with a similar problem.
Breakdown of recently attempted chews:
Nylabones: don't even warrant a cursory snif. Any version of a synthetic toy, no matter the flavor or level of broth soaked goodness elicit chewing. Though smearing with peanut butter held her attention for about 10 seconds.

Trachea: deemed much to easy to gulp.

Himalayan dog chews: Bought the largest one I could find, and she tried to swallow it.

Rope soaked in broth then frozen: Deemed "too messy" by my S.O. Will try again in the Spring, when we can hang out in the yard.

Sweet potato chews: Too easy to chomp into smaller bits (though I usually make these, shove into kongs, and freeze for snacks).

Bully sticks: 6" variety was gone in under 20 minutes. 12" variety seems to be the winner! She's very enthusiastic about these, so to help slow her down I tie a string (gardening twine) in the middle, and attach the other end to a heavy nylabone dura-chew to anchor it. The rope annoys her more than anything, and forces her to pause whilst chewing. Once it's small enough, it's put up to dry out and given to the smallest dog later on.

Now, if only her breath didn't smell like pizzle on the days she gets bully sticks!

edited for decaffeinated spelling errors.
@hela Get a large sheet of 3ft x 3ft rawhide, rub dog toothpaste all over it, let it dry. You can get rawhide etc in sheet form from leather supply shops online. That's just what I dreamed up just now. :D