Update on Chase, who IS on the case


New member
Received a lot of fun and heart-warming support for our pup. He was born December 15th and was chosen as a 5th b-day present for our granddaughter two weeks ago.

Refering to this post: (1) Get a German Shepherd, they said. They're noble guardians, they said. Our German Shepherd pup: : germanshepherds (reddit.com)

He will open the door for me when my hands are full. He's up to 6 retrievals when we play fetch. Has learned to sit and politely take treats. He didn't mug my chickens today. He opened the door and left it open yesterday while we were gone. Last night, hubs told daughter to keep him at her house when she brought grandbaby to us in the morning. She didn't. Hubs said: DO NOT let that dog in... and lock the door when you go.

By noon, I called to see if they needed lunch... he said no. I said I wanted to check on the chickens, he said: They're fine. Chase is here under my desk, asleep at my feet.

This 51 year old man, who is a firefighter and insurance adjuster, claims Chase just 'barged in' and wouldn't leave at some point during the day.

Sure dude, whatever.

Chase loads up in the ranger - he's learned 'ride' and 'let's go'. He "helps" us feed cows every evening. Mostly he just hangs out in the ranger keeping us company, and that's perfect. I've had dogs in the past that never enjoyed riding anywhere in a motorized vehicle with us, and for Chase to learn so fast is really neat. So... you might see us with a 5 year old girl, a GSD and an Aussie Shepherd named Bear, rolling down the dirt road to the feed lot, and if you do, just smile and wave. It's crowded, but we're loving it.

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