Update on adding a second ACD/need advice


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Hey y’all! We were able to take in the new boy yesterday and things have been… okay with our girl. They’re not playing together yet, and it’s hard to tell if their interactions are friendly or testy. He is much larger than she is and is older (55lbs/6yo vs 28lbs/2.5yo), so there will understandably be some pecking order stuff there, but I guess I’m curious as to warning signs that they won’t get or aren’t getting and on the opposite hand signs that they will get or are getting along. She is just so excited and is somewhat nervous, so there’s been some skittery moments that I think stress him out. There’s been a couple instances of bared teeth/staring on both sides that have disappeared when they’ve been redirected. Is this a good thing? Advice is appreciated, TIA 😅

ETA: I know it’s only the second day of having him and the 3-3-3 rule and all that good stuff - apologies if I’m being a bit overzealous!