Update: I’m using a gentle leader it’s changing my life


New member
My little guy did so well today I wrote on here a few days ago about how upset I was and how I didn’t know if I could keep him now he’s doing so well. Tons of people came out around him and he barked but he looked at me and did really well I was honestly amazed.

I’m using medication for him as well as the gentle leader and positive reinforcement it’s changed so much of his life. I’m also saying fuck it and I don’t care if people judge me.
@theriz That’s wonderful! I just went back to read your previous post and boy I felt for you! When I was having my first baby A LOT of people in the dog community I’m immersed in (because of clubs and agility training/competing) said I need to hire a behaviorist to get him prepared for my son. He was high energy, barked, lunged, and pulled, and reactive towards other dogs, as a youngster he bit me a few times (not from anything I did but what I was stopping him from doing while on leash) this caused me a lot of unnecessary stress about if I should trust my gut or listen to people who think they know better than me.

Well I realized that I knew my dog, I trusted him to not do anything to my son and he NEVER did. I played newborn crying videos on YouTube twice, brought home a baby blanket from the hospital for my dogs to smell before I came home with the baby and you carry your baby so much in the first few months that the dogs literally don’t have the opportunity to be in harms way. The toddler stage is the one that would need more management if your dog chooses to be in the action haha..
He is literally bombproof with my toddler son now! I didn’t train anything other than him knowing he can go to his open crate and no one is allowed to touch him in there. And I give him lots of chewies and decompression boxes.

Anyway, you’ll be fine. Follow your gut! Like you already know… Pick and choose the advice you get, but ultimately make your own decisions. You found what’s working for you and that’s the exciting part!! … same also goes for all the advice you will get for your baby too! I listened to the advice of other people when my baby was a newborn and it was so frustrating that this second one I am already saying thank you for the advice but im doing what I said im doing haha. Definitely took people by surprise that I have been standing up for myself!

Best of luck with the baby! So happy your dog is doing better and you found what works!
@theriz Awesome! It was a total game changer for my dog reactive Shiba. He was very well behaved and trained at home and in controlled environments, but on walks I just could not get him to focus on me instead of other dogs in the neighborhood. The gentle leader made it possible for me to gain his attention and then treat him when he sees a trigger. Now we don't need it - he looks to me for a treat when he sees another dog on walks. We get so many compliments on how good he is! My only regret is that I didn't find out about the gentle leader sooner - my boy was 9 before we started using it.
@cmuskwa I probably used it for 2 years or so, and haven't used it in a long time but I still have it, just in case. I've actually been thinking about using it again recently, since there are a lot of puppies and small children in my neighborhood and the weather is getting nice. It can overstimulate him, and there have been one or two times where he's not listening to me again, so it might be time for some additional training.
@theriz I was using one for my girl and kept reading about the harness with a clip in front, I knew it wouldn’t work so I was pretty resistant, but I got one and it’s amazing! So much easier to walk with them now. But for training the gentle leader is better, in my opinion
@selenad I do this. The Gentle Leader brand, when leashed, hangs below the dogs chin. I use that slack to also clip the regular neck collar. So my leash is attached to 2 rings. I do this because my dog got out of the Gentle Leader 1 time and that’s too many. Doing this reduces the discomfort when she pulls but we’ve been using the Leader for 2 months and she doesn’t really pull anymore.

Hey OP, your success post may lead to others wanting success. If you don’t want comments don’t post on social media lol
my dog got out of the Gentle Leader 1 time and that's too many.

Yep. I'd also have to think that a dog is more likely to struggle against and/or get out of a headcollar while it is reacting, which would probably be particularly bad.
@cwainscott Are you talking about the head collar or the front-clip harness?

I noticed my dog’s leg slip out from one side and caught it just in time.

But the difference in her pulling has been amazing
@theriz One other positive side effect of using a gentle leader that I’ve enjoyed: some people don’t understand that it’s just a leash style and they think it’s some sort of actual muzzle - which means they think twice before coming super close or petting my dog!
@theriz If you can get a redirect by pulling on a leader, then it seems like that would be a pretty effective tool.

It's not universal though. For others: if pulling on a leader makes your dog react more strongly, a neutral front clip harness might be a better option. Get the redirect with engage-disengage training.