Update: amazing progress and lots of optimism


New member
Original post (Sorry for long link, on mobile)

I found a pet board and train that’s less than 5 min away from my house. The owner is a retired army k9 trainer. We had an evaluation and a long discussion on his methods and I absolutely loved the guy. He preaches Dunbar and follows the science, he keeps the dogs for weekdays only and the owners are given homework on weekends. He uses a balanced method leaning a bit towards reward-based. I immediately enrolled Auri in a 6-week class and eagerly awaited instructions. 3 months later, here’s the update:
  • resource guarding incidents: 0
  • barking at stranger dogs incidents: 0
  • redirection incidents: 1 (was immediately stopped via verbal command)
Also, what I was taught to do with Auri I also used on Riddick and Simba. They all are much more obedient and focused on me. My wife is still terrified so simba has not been allowed in the same room as the other two, but he’s managed to smuggle his way in a couple times and the dogs have completely ignored each other.

Still a long way to go for sure and complacency is very much off the table, but I’ve never been more optimistic about this.

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