Unsure about safety of dog bed for unvaccinated 8 week old Lab/Bernese


New member
Hi, so I am getting an 8 week old puppy next week and she’ll have only gotten her first shots. I bought a brand new dog bed for her and two of my friends’ fully vaccinated adult dogs took it for a “test drive” I.e. lay in her bed.
Is it safe to introduce this bed to her or should I wait until she has her second set of shots?
@elin1212 If it helps, I've worked in vet med for over a decade and I can assure that, as PinchAssault52 said, it should be OK barring any recent exposure to pathogens. Since this dog is up to date on vaccines, they won't pass anything they're vaccinated for to your puppy, however it's not a bad idea to give it a wash before letting your puppy on it just to be extra safe. If your puppy had her first vaccine done less than 4 weeks ago, she should still be protected by it (as well as maternal antibodies in part).
@elin1212 mostly fine.

There is a small risk if the adults had recently been exposed to something, and were carrying it (e.g. if they rolled in some parvo poop at the park) but that's about it.

Give it a wash if you can, but don't stress much.