Unsure about my future career wise


New member
Not sure if anyone has had the same thoughts as me but I’ll shoot my shot. I’ve been living with my dog since i was 8 and she is still with me now. Things have changed and I am now the primary care taker instead of my parents (mom moved out, dad doesn’t really take care of her as well as i do). I’m in my last year of university and I’m really not sure what I’ll do after grad. I want to get a stable job like 9-5 one not necessarily bc i like that lifestyle but it seems that is the optimal choice to sustain myself and my dog financially. The problem is that my dog is quite weak and needs to potty every 3-4 hours, monitor her heartbeat etc because she has heart problems… basically it’s ideal to have someone home to stay w her for the majority of the day. Right now i can do that because i just have some weekly classes to go to and i just study at home, and i also dont go out very often. However im not sure how im going to stay w her the way i can now once I graduate and get a job. I’ve been thinking and came to several conclusions.

A) Get a job that is not 9-5 (remote)
- but this one can be difficult to find since a lot of them require a superior talent that is irreplaceable or tech skills that allows u to be a digital nomad, which I don’t

B) find a workplace that allows you to bring your pets
-also rare to find

C) get a pet sitter
-expensive and doesn’t change the fact i cannot be with her during the day
-not sure how i feel about trusting a stranger

D) get a roommate who is home when I’m not
-I’ll have to find one that is cool w having a dog at home
-need to find someone who is good with watching how she’s doing

E) live with mom and get a job in her rural city
- she lives w several other ppl so it would mean someone will always be home during the day
-but the location is very far from the city I’d have to either get a job there or let mom take care of her entirely

Like I haven’t even organized my resumes or took a look at the job market and my head is already about to explode. I feel like this is such a specific situation for someone to relate to but if u had similar experiences pls give ur input

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