Ultrasound has puppies, X-ray showed nothing, done at the end of week 8!


New member
My dog got an ultrasound and X-ray same day back to back at the end of week 8, ultrasound was first done then X-ray couple mins later. On ultrasound the vet saw puppies with heartbeat, but X-ray showed no puppy. The vet doesn't have explanation for this and we are very worried. All signs the dog is having make us think she is pregnant, appreciate any advise!
@chiamoni Ultrasound can detect pups as early as 22 days and will typically detect in the 22-28 day range. X-rays don’t detect until day 42 or so, with 45 being more reliable. Pups could just be younger than you think they are.
@oldwoodsman Right, that could be a possibility…
Just worried if something is wrong such as the puppies can only develop heartbeat but not bones, like the development stopped…?

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