two decorative halloween pillows have turned my 9 month old neutered puppy into a humping demon. he’s never humped before. how can I restore peace?


New member
basically like the title says - my pekingese puppy sees these two cat and bat shaped pillows and goes absolutely berserk. they’re pretty soft, meaning slippery, so he’ll do acrobatics trying to mount them on the couch. they turn him absolutely ferocious and he resource guards them if we try to take them away, which he usually doesn’t have a problem with.

will their newness wear off? he’s never humped his toys of other pillows before. I’m trying his “leave it” command, but that really only lasts as long as I’m monitoring him.
@andrewn My 10 mo spoo girl has a similar issue with a banana-shaped cat bed(humping, no guarding). Currently I just let her go at it. It’s stress relief!

I put it away for a day because I had to clean it, and we went to my parents place sans banana and she was fine. I figure so long as it’s confined to that item and doesn’t extend to people or other things, I can live with it.

Following to see what others have to say.
@andrewn Dude I don't know what it is with some things. I got a new sweater and every time I wear it my boy will not stop trying to hump my arms or bite and tear the poor thing. Did a dog in heat wear it in the factory before they packed it up?? What the hell??