Traumatic experience today, just looking to vent

I let my puppy out today, he’s 5 months. He took a poop and I bagged it up and we walked (on leash) to the dumpster just around the corner from our townhouse.

As I walked up, I noticed 2 dogs tied up at the tree across from us. As soon as I tossed the bag the two dogs (1 pit looking mix and 1 large lab) broke off of the tree tied rope and ran towards us. The lab almost toppled me over and the pit mix attacked my puppy.

It was all happening so fast, there was a good 5 seconds of the pit bull snarling/biting and pinning my puppy who was screaming and so I let go of my leash and my puppy went running for my house. I had to grab the pit by it’s leg and drag it away from my puppy while he ran.

The owner ran out and distracted the dogs long enough for me to run back to my puppy, I had no idea if he was seriously injured or not. While I was running I told her, “your dog just attacked my dog!” She asked if he was ok and I Said “I don’t f*****g know!!”

When I got back to my townhouse my puppy was waiting for me there, tail wagging and no injuries. He was covered in his own urine and smelled of anal gland fluids. I hugged him so tight and he just sat with me for awhile while I inspected him. Everything is ok and he seems to be completely fine. It could have been so much worse. Im sothankful the pit dog did not inflict any serious physical damage but I am so angry this happened right in my backyard.

We both took a bath/shower and he has been cuddling with me all evening. Poor guy. Thanks for listening.
@faithandhappiness I'm sorry. That's such a scary situation and I'm glad your pup is all right. I definitely agree with the others that a call to animal control is warranted, and management/HOA if you have one. Hopefully that owner learned their lesson but tying their dogs to a tree unattended is so ill advised that I'd question their judgment.
@cryssy I agree. I admit I’m probably more traumatized than my dog. I just feel very lucky that the pitbull did not attack me or my puppy. Seemed like he just wanted to play since he didn’t bite but it was so scary to watch and hear and have to break it up, but the worst was knowing my puppy was horrified in the moment. It was also exasperated by the giant lab trying to jump on me repeatedly. Did I mention the two dogs were still connected by the rope so they were tying me up in it the rope as I tried to protect my pup. Very stressful situation. Thank you for the kind words and advice.
@faithandhappiness Take the pupper to the vet to be checked out. Do it asap.

Many years ago I was walking my 2 dogs and they were attacked by 3 pigging dogs. I did take both dogs to the vet right away but the vet missed the wound on my rottis neck and we found it a couple days later when it started oozing green pus.

When a dog bites it shakes its head which can rip the skin away from the muscles in the neck and can be missed as the puncture wounds can be really small, especially if your doggy is fluffy or has lots of neck skin like my rotti had.

Al in all it cost me over 2K to fix up both the dogs and the owner of the other dogs got away with it cause he hid the dogs from the ranger. The same dogs a few months later got out again and mauled a kid.
@christhomas2 If the pitbull had seriously harmed my pup I would have called right away as well as police. But seeing as the dog didn’t actually bite, as well as did not harm me when I dragged it off. I think it should be best dealt with that the owner gets a notice of warning to control their dogs better through HOA if possible. I would love if they could receive a fine for being so irresponsible keeping their dogs flimsily tied up and unattended.
@faithandhappiness I’m glad your pup doesn’t seem to have been harmed! However, I would take it to the vet in the next few days for a proper checkup just to be sure. Sometimes damage can be internal (especially from a bigger dog to a smaller one) & dogs are good at hiding when they’re in pain.

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