Transitioning to free roam at home - will they “forget” their crate training?


New member
I’m a remote worker so am home with my dogs most all the time. I crate them a few evenings a week after some exercise and fun so I can go out. They get a kong and mostly snooze the whole time (I’ve checked on my camera). My two pups are 4 and 5 and have done well alone in the house while I’m doing yard work and unsupervised. No accidents or destruction in the recent past. I’d like to try giving them the run of the house when I leave so they can stretch out on the couch!

Some short crating could still be very useful, i.e. at my folks house, BF’s house (who has a large dog, so I plan to keep my small dogs separated from her when unsupervised). I was wondering if giving them free roam at home would be removing that as an option if needed for short periods of time in the future. Curious for any advice for transitioning as well. Thank you!
@gerrydodge If you still keep the crate in the routine they won't forget. However something to be very mindful of is that it only takes one poor moment for there to be disastrous consequences. I would *never* leave both dogs free roaming the house together while you are not home. God for bid there is even a minor scuffle it could turn into something major if you are not there to separate them if needed. Even if they have never fought it is never worth the risk.