Training tips for a 2 Y/O rescue/adopted dog?


New member

A couple weeks ago a Husky/mostly husky mix was found in our neighborhood. He had no chip (confirmed by 3 locations), was incredibly underweight (less than 40 Lbs), and after 2 weeks of searching no one claimed him. Sparing the other details, we ended up taking him in!

So far he seems to be somewhat house trained (will ask to go outside but still has some accidents inside if not watched like a hawk), appears to have been crate trained at some point, knows some basic commands (sit, lay down), and does surprisingly well on leash. The rescue's preferred vet estimates he's 2 years old.

I have a husky/rottweiler mixed dog who I trained as a puppy (now also 2 years old). I have never trained an "older" dog, so am not 100% sure what to expect. I assume I will need to train him as if he is a brand-new puppy and just be consistent, but will happily take any tips.

So far we've learned that he does not do well with any form of raised voice, so we think he might have been yelled at a lot in the past (even correcting our cats spooks him). Overall he listens very well and seems to be coming around to his new name (Appa!), but he is still a bit hesitant with us.

I am in the process of vetting out vets as we just moved to a new house. Right before my girlfriend found him on facebook he was placed into a Husky rescue, so we are now going through them to get shots and to get him neutered. I'll also get some advice through them on how best to feed him and get him back to a healthy weight.

Thank you all in advance!

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